How to Create an Effective 11+ Study Schedule: Balancing School and Prep

How to Create an Effective 11+ Study Schedule: Balancing School and Prep

Preparing for the 11+ exams is a significant undertaking, especially when trying to balance it with regular schoolwork and other activities. An effective study schedule is key to keeping your child organized, reducing stress, and helping them achieve their best. This guide will show you how to create a balanced and productive 11+ study schedule that also integrates digital tools like Google Calendar and Tasks to streamline the process.

Step 1: Assess Your Child’s Current Commitments

Start by understanding your child’s current schedule. Consider:

  • School Hours: Include daily and weekly school hours, as well as travel time.
  • Homework: Account for the average time spent on homework each day.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Include regular activities like sports, music, or clubs.
  • Family and Free Time: Ensure time for relaxation and family, which are essential for your child’s well-being.

Step 2: Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Setting clear goals helps guide your study schedule. These goals should be:

  • Specific: For example, “Practice 10 verbal reasoning questions each day.”
  • Measurable: Track progress with practice tests or weekly reviews.
  • Achievable: Set realistic goals that challenge your child without overwhelming them.
  • Relevant: Focus on areas where improvement is needed most.
  • Time-bound: Assign deadlines, such as “Improve in fractions by the end of the month.”

Step 3: Determine Study Priorities

Not all subjects may need equal attention. Use practice tests to identify strengths and weaknesses. Prioritize subjects or topics where your child needs the most improvement, but also maintain their stronger areas.

Step 4: Use Digital Tools for Scheduling

Incorporating digital tools like Google Calendar and Google Tasks can significantly enhance the efficiency of your study schedule.

Using Google Calendar

  • Create a Dedicated Calendar: Set up a separate calendar for 11+ study sessions. This keeps study time distinct from other activities.
  • Schedule Time Blocks: Add specific study blocks each day, integrating them with school and extracurricular activities. For example, you could schedule 30 minutes of maths practice every weekday at 5 PM.
  • Set Reminders: Use Google Calendar’s reminder feature to alert your child before each study session. This helps them transition smoothly from one activity to the next.
  • Color-Code Subjects: Assign different colors to subjects like English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, etc., for easy identification and balance across the week.

Using Google Tasks

  • Break Down Tasks: Use Google Tasks to break larger study goals into smaller, manageable tasks. For example, under “Maths,” you could list tasks like “Complete 10 practice questions on fractions” or “Review multiplication tables.”
  • Set Due Dates: Assign deadlines to each task, ensuring they align with your overall study schedule.
  • Track Progress: As tasks are completed, mark them off in Google Tasks. This provides a clear sense of accomplishment and helps keep your child motivated.

Step 5: Design a Weekly Study Plan

Now that you’ve set goals and are familiar with digital tools, design a weekly study plan:

  • Allocate Time Blocks: Dedicate specific time blocks for 11+ preparation. For instance, 30-60 minutes after school and a few hours on weekends.
  • Mix It Up: Alternate subjects and topics to keep study sessions engaging. For instance, schedule Maths on Mondays and Wednesdays, and English on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Short and Focused Sessions: Short, focused study sessions (25-45 minutes) with breaks are often more effective than long, intensive periods.
  • Incorporate Practice Tests: Schedule regular practice tests to assess progress and adjust the schedule as needed.

Step 6: Build in Flexibility

Life is unpredictable, so build some flexibility into your schedule. Allow for buffer time each week to accommodate any missed sessions or to revisit challenging topics.

Step 7: Encourage a Healthy Balance

While studying for the 11+ is important, maintaining a healthy balance is crucial. Ensure your child has time for:

  • Rest and Relaxation: Adequate sleep and downtime are essential for effective learning.
  • Physical Activity: Regular exercise helps reduce stress and improve focus.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporating mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or short meditation sessions, can help your child manage stress and stay calm, focused, and positive during their studies.
  • Social Interaction: Make time for friends and family to support emotional well-being.

Step 8: Regularly Review and Adjust

Use the digital tools to regularly review and adjust the schedule. Google Calendar and Tasks allow for easy modifications. Sit down with your child each week to discuss what’s working and what might need adjusting. This ongoing review helps keep the schedule relevant and ensures continuous progress.

Creating an effective 11+ study schedule that balances school and exam prep is achievable with careful planning and the use of digital tools like Google Calendar and Google Tasks. These tools not only help organize your child’s time but also make it easier to adjust as needed, keeping the study process smooth and manageable. With the right schedule and support, your child will be well-prepared to tackle the 11+ exams confidently and successfully.

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