Personal Pronouns in French (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles)

Personal pronouns in French are used to indicate who is performing an action. They must agree in number and gender with the noun they replace.

Subject Pronouns

  1. Je - I
  2. Tu - You (informal singular)
  3. Il/Elle/On - He/She/One
  4. Nous - We
  5. Vous - You (formal singular/plural)
  6. Ils/Elles - They (masculine/feminine plural)


  • Je mange. (I eat.)
  • Tu parles. (You speak.)
  • Il chante. (He sings.)
  • Nous étudions. (We study.)
  • Vous regardez. (You watch.)
  • Elles dansent. (They dance.)

Understanding and using personal pronouns correctly is crucial for clear communication in French. Practice using them in sentences to reinforce your understanding.